Those in an existing home might not know the age of their HVAC unit. The manufacturer plate is on the outside unit. It might say "MFR DATE" or it could have a multi-digit number. The first three numbers are the manufacturing date. The first number is the year of...
Abe Abbott
Signs That Indicate You Need Furnace Replacement in McDonough, GA
Your furnace won't last forever. If it is past its prime, then you will need to get a new one. There are several signs that indicate you need to get furnace replacement in McDonough, GA. The Age of Your Furnace Most furnaces last 15 to 20 years. If your furnace is...
Three Reasons to Hire an Experienced Chicago Heating Contractor
The Chicago winters can get extremely cold and brutal. If your heater isn't working right, it can present both an uncomfortable and dangerous situation. That's why it's imperative that you call an experienced Chicago heating contractor at the first sign of a heating...
2 Signs That You May Need Your HVAC Unit Serviced Or Repaired In Florida
Your HVAC unit is one of the most important but often neglected major appliances used in your home. It is what keeps you comfortable throughout the seasons, whether it be summer, fall, winter or spring. Because it is often used, routinely maintaining your HVAC unit...
What to Look for When Shopping for a New HVAC Unit in Palatine
Aside from the cost, what are some factors to consider when shopping for a new air conditioner? Brands vary as do product specifications. Someone inexperienced in selecting air conditioners might assume a medium-priced air conditioner is better quality than cheaper...