Window air conditioning units are common because they’re readily available at a consumer level from large department or home improvement stores. Unfortunately, they may not be the better option. While initially cheaper, they are generally less energy efficient than their central air counterparts, which costs more as the monthly utility bills roll in.
Energy efficiency is just one of the many benefits to choosing to install central air. Finding reputable air conditioning services in Greeley, CO is easy when you know exactly what you’re looking for and why. This article will allow you to learn the truth behind central air and why it may be a more suitable option for your lifestyle.
Cooling an Entire Home
The primary reason behind the usage of central air is the amount of space that has to be made cool. A window unit can only cool so far within a radius, while central air can deliver cool air throughout the entire home due to duct work. If you have an older home, finding reliable air conditioning services is extremely important, as a lot of older homes don’t have the proper duct work for modern cooling.
Central air also uses thermostats in each room for optimal control over the temperature. If one room is too cold, the central air unit will become alert and cycle the unit off or on, depending on whether the temperature needs to be raised or lowered. Wall units don’t use thermostat science, so they can only cool down one room at a time. Depending on the unit, it can have an auto-shut off feature when that space becomes too cold. Unfortunately, it will not reach any other warm room that isn’t connected.
Cost of Cooling in Colorado
Just because a wall unit is cheaper initially doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look into air conditioning services for central air installation. If you have a large home, one air conditioner will not cool the entire place. In order for you to have the best temperature within the home, multiple units will have to be purchased and will rack up a high utility bill. Central air offers energy efficiency within the home and eliminates the need for multiple units and constant self-maintenance. Advanced Comfort provides heating and air conditioner repair & installation services in Greeley, CO.