Owning a beach house is rewarding and a great deal of fun. Nevertheless, any place comes with its own set of problems. The owners of a beach home might notice that the shower drain gets sluggish more often than where they used to live. Eventually, the drain may slow down so much that water stands in the shower or tub for several minutes. It’s time to call a company providing Charleston plumbing services for residents.
Hair is the most frequent issue when it comes to sluggish shower drains. Hair may cause problems if the homeowners have more guests than they previously did. Even with a strainer, some individuals may forget to use it or not think the device is essential. A plumbing company in Charleston, SC, can break up this blockage with specialized tools and equipment.
Ideally, everyone would rinse the sand off their feet with a hose before entering the house. However, people tend to traipse inside without doing so. That’s especially true if the entry door from the beach is close to the shower, generally used after swimming and sunbathing. The shower drainpipe and the home’s sewer line can accumulate sediment.
Oily Substances
In this environment, oil might congeal and build up inside the pipes. That can happen when people use suntan oil or oily sunscreen products. The sticky material can catch hair, facial tissue, and paper towels in the sewer line.
Learn about Smoak’s Comfort Control at smoakscomfort.com.